Offered here is my last beautifully prepared and perfect head to tail enrolled Eldredgeops crassituberculata trilobite from the Silica Shale Formation, from the quarry outside Paulding, Ohio, Devonian in age. The trilobite measures 1 3/8” wide and is perfectly enrolled. It has been prepared free of matrix. Look at those eye facets!! As you can see from the pictures, the trilobite is nicely articulated and has outstanding shell quality. This was prepared by one of the best in the business and the quality shows. Compare this to the ones you see on commercial fossil sites for sale. There is no comparison. This has zero tools or pneumatic marks on it compared to many I’ve seen for sale. Quality is everything. Sure, you can buy a cheaper less quality bug, but when you get it, you won’t be happy with it. Been there, done that. If you have purchased multiple items, please do not send payment until I send an invoice. If you pay before I send you an invoice, shipping could cost you more and I will ship in separate shipments/packages. Shipping cost is the responsibility of the buyer. If you plan on buying multiple “buy it now items” please add all of them to your cart and make one purchase and request an invoice. Thank you.